Dear Parents,
It has been a difficult fortnight with the appearance of covid and the upstairs Nursery having to self-isolate, swiftly followed by Year 1 at the Upper School. Thank you to staff who immediately switched to online teaching and particularly to parents whose lives have been disrupted. There have been no further covid cases in Year 1, so I suspect many of our children already have antibodies. I am as desperate as you to have all of the children at School, so I hope that rules around self-isolation change for September.
I know that many parents are anxious about school-time lost during lockdown, but we have received our end of year English and maths progress scores for all of the children in the Upper School. Children sit an end of year assessment in exam conditions, which is marked externally. Scores are standardised according to a child's exact age, and we receive detailed results. Despite the most recent lockdown, children have made excellent progress in both core areas of learning. I am extremely proud of the children and thankful to you and the teaching staff. The latest attainment data will be uploaded onto the website, but most notable is the fact that the percentage of children in the 'above average' and 'very high' bands, far outstrips the national average.
The DfE released interim covid advice to schools last Friday. They advise extreme caution about parental attendance on-site. Social events should not take place and we should not be inviting parents to watch children's performances. It reminds me of the huge number of parental visits and interactions that normally take place. At the end of a tough year, it would be wonderful to meet socially, but sadly it is out of the question.
It is most important that children enjoy their final fortnight at School before the summer holiday.
Wheelies will take place in the playground on Tuesday 29th June during the school day. Children will complete a maximum of fifteen circuits of the playground, sponsored by you to raise money for our Cerebral Palsy charity, CPotential. Please remember to send your child into school with their bike or scooter on that day. Sadly, we cannot accommodate parents.
The one parent/child event that will still take place is the new Reception tea party on Thursday 1st July. Transition into 'big school' is an important step for children. The event will take place in the playground at the end of the school day and will not be attended by Year 2 children this year.
We are holding our usual leavers' assembly on Monday 5th July. Photographs will be taken and sent to parents. Children will be given autograph books to fill in during their last week at the School.
The Year 2 outreach sale will still take place for the children. Less expensive items will be sold directly to the children at stalls in the playground on Wednesday 7th July, so please give your child pocket money to spend at the stalls on the day. More expensive items such as T-shirts and tote bags, can be ordered from a price list which will be sent to you next week. If you have books or toys to donate to the stall, please send them into School as soon as possible. Monies raised will be sent to the Marine Conservation Society.
Amy, our dance teacher, always leads a Year 2 tap dancing class/performance for parents. Parents are invited to watch the class via Zoom at 3.00pm on Thursday 8th July. Lilly will forward a zoom invitation.
There are no end of term shows this year, but Hannah, our music teacher, will lead each class in a singing performance (in the open air) on the final day of term Friday 9th July. Reception children will sing at 10.00am, Year 1 children at 10.45am and Year 2 children at 11.30am. Reception and Year 1 children can be taken home afterwards by prior arrangement with Lilly, or can be collected at midday when the school year officially ends.
Enjoy the newsletter that follows. Please stay well and enjoy the weekend ahead.
Warm wishes,