Homework is given regularly at the Upper School. It is based on what has been taught in class and helps children to reinforce their learning, particularly in reading.
All children take home a book every night to read to parents. They are also given a weekly spelling list to learn.
In Years 1 and Year 2, children are given a weekly piece of homework to be completed over several days. It might be a piece of research, problem-solving in maths, a piece of writing, or a practical task. Weekly spellings are given and ideally should be practised by the children every evening. Maths is reinforced online via Numbots, which children access via an individual login from home.
In Year 3, children are expected to read each night at home. There will be weekly written English and maths homework. On Mondays, children will take home a comprehension or grammar activity which is due on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the children will take home a mental arithmetic task which is due on Friday. In addition to this, nightly spelling and times tables practise is expected during the week to prepare for weekly tests. Occasionally there will be weekend topic-based research assignments.
In Year 4, children are expected to read at home each night and complete their Reading Record commenting on their own reading. In addition to our weekly schedule of spellings, English and maths homework, children will be asked to complete topic assignments and individualised homework from time to time.