Early Years
A First Step in nurturing confident, creative, independent thinkers
Most children begin their educational journey at The Children’s House in the Early Years, joining from the age of two and a half.
In the first term, they attend the Early Years School, with the initial half-term focused on settling in and immersing into the school routine. We encourage and support their continuous engagement in a full day of activities. At the beginning of the year in which they turn four, children then transition to the pre-reception class.
All Early Years children benefit from being in small classes led by a qualified teacher and a teaching assistant. The school maintains high adult/child ratios, facilitating constant observation and interaction. This allows the staff to know the children well and provide individualised learning experiences throughout their school journey.
Children begin each morning and afternoon session with their teacher and enjoy a whole-class learning focus together. Related activities are set up on tables. Children access a full range of practical activities, from role-play to writing. Whatever the learning focus, we ensure learning is enjoyable, creative and hands-on.
Specialist teachers visit the Early Years School to deliver lessons in Spanish and dance. We also bring a range of visitors into the school to deliver storytelling, puppet shows, drumming, animal workshops amongst other things. Children are given regular outdoor experiences through timetabled visits to Almorah Gardens, King Henry’s Walk Community Garden and the Upper School playground.